Board of Directors

In 1981 Oren Howell, the first President of the Friends of Dennis Senior Citizens, spoke directly to the people of Dennis.

When did better than 800 people say, “I’m interested enough in the well-being of the community…it’s happening now—history is being made by this community. Some of you for the first time will be thinking about sharing in a project that will benefit the Dennis Community for years to come. Give real thought—talk with some of us who are involved—determine to be involved yourself.” (The Cranberry Scoop, September 1981)

In 2021 our Board of Directors asks you to “give real thought” to becoming involved.

Talk to those of us who are involved and find joy in our founders’ mission “to be actively concerned about the general welfare and quality of life of senior citizens.”

2022 Board Officers

Louis Daniele, President

Janet Bogardus, Vice President

Carol Lawrence, Treasurer

Henry Bowen, Secretary

2022 Board Directors

Deborah Adkins
Debbie Bain
Vernon Ellars
James E. France
Dolores Kennedy
Joseph Lawrence
Robert P. Mahoney
Arthur McCormack
Elizabeth McCormack
Leonard F. Morely
Happy Whitman
Nancy Wolf

Louise Hopper, Office Manager