Raising of the cupola
One Time Donation
As the old photo of raising the cupola suggests, one time donations make a difference. Whether you are a member of the Friends of Dennis Senior Citizens or not, we welcome a one time donation that might pay for a dental bill, a Golden Age class, or a tracking bracelet for a senior with Alzheimer’s. One time donations also help with the expenses for Jazz in June and the presents we buy for the Christmas Giving program.
To make a donation today please make checks payable to:
Friends of Dennis Seniors Citizens, Inc.
P.O. Box 287
South Dennis, MA 02660
Annual Appeal
Our Annual Appeal drive begins in August of each year and continues through the end of the year. We mail out letters to our members, friends and sponsors and are grateful for their continued support which funds so many of our programs and allows us to help many senior citizens living in Dennis. We have three levels of support:
Gold Support $100.00 or above
Silver Support $75.00 or above
Bronze Support $50.00 or above
If you would like to give to our Annual Appeal, please click here for the appeal letter.
Membership dues keep the office open. Whether you choose to become an annual member for $10.00 a year or a lifetime member at $75.00, we encourage you to join us in our mission to be caring friends to our senior citizens in Dennis. Your membership ensures that you will receive a printed, mailed copy of our quarterly newsletter.

“The Ickis Room”
Marguerite Ickis gave us our first endowment. Oren J. Howell, the first President of the Friends of Dennis Senior Citizens, called this gift “the great boom.” Her generous cash endowment made it possible for us to complete the building of the senior center. Other Board Directors, members and friends have left us cash endowments while living or through their wills, estates and trusts over the years. Funds of this nature allow us to keep current programs and Planned Giving alive while ensuring a future where the Friends of Dennis Senior Citizens can continue to help, educate and enhance the quality of life for the seniors in our community. If you are considering giving us an endowment, our Board President, Louis Daniele, would be happy to meet with you. Endowments can also be given confidentially through your attorney.
Golf Fundraiser
For over twenty-five years we have held golf tournaments as a recreational and fun way of raising money for the Friends of Dennis Senior Citizens. Now called the George DeShaw Memorial Golf Tournament, named after an early Board Director who began this event. We have an average of 75 players who join us for an 8:00 am shotgun tournament! To play in the tournament click below to download the registration form.
To become a valued Tournament, Tee or Gift Sponsor call our office at (508) 385-5376 or email us at DennisFOD@hotmail.com. Each year, more than 40 local businesses have sponsored this tournament. The logos of our eight Tournament Sponsors are listed on the bottom of our home page. We acknowledge all our supporters in a “Thank You” ad placed in the Register and in the July issue of our newsletter. Tournament and Tee Sponsors have display signs at the Highlands the day of the event.
The Friends welcome volunteers who can bring an extra pair of scissors and pair of hands to The Big Wrap in December. If you are interested in volunteering for the Big Wrap or the Spring Jazz Fest, call 508-385-5376 or email dennisfod@hotmail.com.
We are a volunteer Board of Directors, who encourage others to give of their time, professional talents and skills in service to our senior citizens. If you are thinking about becoming a volunteer Board member, Louis Daniele, the Board President will be glad to speak with you about the expectations, effort and rewards of such a commitment. Some of our directors are still working professionally, balancing their work schedule with volunteering.
Smile Amazon
If you are an Amazon shopper you can log into your account at www.smile.amazon.com. When you log into your Smile account for the first time, you will be able to designate the charity of your choice and we hope it will be the Friends of Dennis Senior Citizens, Inc. Amazon will contribute 0.5% of your purchase price at no cost to you.